Tuesday, November 18, 2008

How do you feel today?

Anxious? Worried? Fearful?

How you deal with these feelings is very important. According to Philippians 4:5, we need to "let [our] gentleness b e evident to all. The Lord is near." In the verses surrounding this, we learn that we are to be anxious in nothing, but with prayer and petition and with thanksgiving, bring our requests to God. When we do this, we will have the peace of God which is beyond all understanding. (Philippians 4:2-9)

We can't stay away from the Bible. In order to educate yourself, you must be in it. This has always been hard for me. Why? Because I struggle with reading it only as a historical reference and reading it as God's holy Word? Why? Who knows, but I need to read it everyday. There is truth in the Word and answers to life's questions and problems.

We can show our opinions in many ways. The Bible shows us some of these ways.

Psalms 126:2-3
Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, the LORD has done great things for them. the LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.
Recently we had a speaker, Tara, and she spoke of how we can be lights for Christ in very ordinary places. For example, while at the dentist, she was able to be a light for Christ to the dental hygeinist. This is not an easy task, mind you, because first of all, she had someone else's hands in her mouth, but was still able to share her faith with this woman and show her the truth of God.

Also, we teach our children everyday through things we don't realize that we do. Are we really showing our faith to our children, or are we being fake?

The world wants us to have drama. This is Satan's goal. Drama sells. But do you realize that you dny God when you buy into the drama? We all have drama in our lives. We are all broken. As Beth Moore says "From the time I was very little, my world has been broken. The Bible and God are the only things that keep me grounded."
Psalm 131
A song of ascents of David
My heart is not proud, O Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother like a weaned child is my soul within me. O Israel, put your hope in the Lord both now and for evermore.
Psalm 125
A song of ascent
Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures for ever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now and for evermore. The scepter of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted fto the righteous, for then the righteous might use their hands to do evil. Do good, O Lord, to those whoa re good, to those who are upright in the heart. But those who turn to crooked ways the Lord will banish with the evildoers. Peace be upon Israel.
We need to be mindful of what Satan is doing with us and to us. He uses our feelings against us: doubt, shame, fear, and blame.

But we have a Force more powerful than anything that Satan can throw against us. We must work together as the body of Christ. Hebrews 10:24-25 tells us the God created us to yearn for a connection with Him.

We are also commanded to pray for those who are in charge whether they are the President or our pastors. They are the ones who need it most!

Recently, we had the elections for President of the United States. For some people, the results were exactly what they wanted, while others had a less than desired outcome (for lack of better wording). Throughout the entire election season, there was a lot of name calling and mud slinging. But according to the Bible, we need to be respectful no matter your political affiliation. We need to show our opinions, not just talk about them. Talk is cheap and anyone can talk, but can you show why you have the opinion? God allowed Barack Obama to be elected our future President for a reason. The future will show why. No matter what happens, it will be for God's glory. Read about David and Saul and you will see an example of this. I'm not comparing Obama to David or Saul, but God makes things happen for a purpose.

The only way to really connect with God is to get down (on your knees in prayer) and then He can lift us up.

If you can't get down, then you can't be lifted up. That is when Satan gets ahold of you.

When I do things, what am i showing other people? if people can hear me now, what am I telling them about Christ.

There's another saying: "Garbage in, garbage out" We have to be careful whe you're around because that's what you'll become. if have found this in my own life. if I'm watching too much tv, espcially tv with foul language, I'm more likely to have thoughts that include this kind of language. I must surround myself with Holy things and make sure that I'm in relationship with God. Again, not one of my strong points.

Finally, don't let Satan in your car because He'll demand to drive. Dress yourelf in the Bible just like you get dressed daily. Put on the armor of God.

Ephesians 6:10-18
10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. Wit this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
Do not fear, but go to God in prayer daily and you wil be clothed in His light and be used for His glory.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Carolyn on the 3 Not So Simple Rules

Recently, our wonderful pastor's wife spoke to Mom2Mom about the 3 (Not So) Simple Rules:
1. Do No Harm
2. Do Good
3. Stay in Love with Jesus

All leadership starts with self leadership. In order to be a leader, we must have rules. These rules apply to everything we do as Christians. When people see us, they are comparing all Christians to us and determining whether or not to trust us. We need to put God first in our lives. This does not mean we have to wake up at 4 a.m. every morning to do our morning devotions, but we need to have renewal daily at a time that works for us. We also need to do things because they are what God would have us do it. But how do we know that God wants us to go in a certain direction? Listen for the Holy Spirit's guiding when we have our time with God. Maybe this time is in the bathroom reading your devotional because it's the only peace you get, but that 10 minutes might help you through the hardest part of the day and it's because the Holy Spirit is working through you. You are allowing God to work through you. You are being the Light for the World. We are to love others as we love ourselves. This is much easier said than done, but scriptures tell us to give more than we are asked to give and to turn the other cheek when wrongs come our way. This does not mean to be a doormat to the world, but to love those who persecute use and pray for them. Again, easier said than done, but pray for those around you who make your life tough. The best way to do this is to stay in love with Jesus. We can't even try to do no harm to others or do good unless we are connected to Jesus. He is the One who fills us with the Spirit. If we try to do the first two rules alone, we will become burned out very quickly (trust me, I know). But with Jesus, we are able to continue in a world that is all about self-indulgence and the idea of more is better. More isn't better, it's just more. Below are some notes from when Carolyn spoke as well as a video of her. It is not the best quality as I was the videographer and am not that great at it, but I ask that you pay attention to what she is saying, not how I videoed it. Carolyn is such an inspiration for many of us and I pray that you are inspired by what she says.

All Leadership Begins with Self Leadership

Galations 5: 13-16

13 For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. 14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 15 But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another!

Your selfish desires will never match up to the Holy Spirit, so don’t be a slave to selfish desires. When we read scripture, we shouldn’t just float through it, we should experience the Fruit of the Spirit and apply the word to our lives.

Carolyn went on to discuss a man named, John Wesley from England. He was a radical leader who was an ordained Anglican priest. He developed 3 methods/ disciplines (hence, where we get the name Methodist).

John Wesley’s 3 Simple Rules (Just because they’re simple does not mean they’re easy!)

  1. Do not Harm

*Follow the golden rule (do unto others as you would have done unto you)

*Live life like Jesus “Lord, my mantra today is do no harm”

*Guard your words and actions; hear the spirit before you respond

*Honor and Love each other as a son or daughter of God

*Following Jesus is abandoning the way of the world

*Self Examination is so important, be proactive

When we take time to do no harm We Do Not:


*Speak negatively of others (Matthew 18, deals with how to handle conflict)

*Manipulate facts to make ourselves look better

*Act passive/aggressively (i.e. “I’m calm now, but you just wait until later”)

*Judge (We tend to think we have it all right and put others down when we don’t agree with them)

*Worship a set of beliefs, worship Jesus

  1. Do Good

Luke 6:27

27 “But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you

*Doing good means more than to your family and friends. We are given a difficult task at times, but he equips us with the tools we need to do them

*We need to have self denial and remember “it’s not about me”. However, we need to remember with this, that it is important to take care of ourselves and others, find a middle ground and not be a doormat.

  1. Staying In Love with Jesus

*Stay connected with Christ, don’t live on fumes; continue to develop your relationship with Christ on a daily basis.

*Have your devotion/prayer time when you are at your best (i.e. If you’re a morning person, rise early, get your cup of coffee and spend the early morning with God. If not, find the time of day that works for you!)

*A commonly question that Carolyn is asked, “How do you hear God?” Her answer: “Make yourself available, position yourself to hear!”

2 Corinthians 5:17

17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

We love you Brittany

Brittany is moving. Yes, it's true, our lovely voice of a woman is moving back to Tennesee with her wonderful husband, daughter, and bundle of joy on the way. We will miss you!

Today at our Mom2Mom meeting, Brittany graced us with one last song, "I Am Blessed" by Rachel Lampa. I pray that you are blessed through Brittany's music just as we have been blessed by her presence.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Boundaries. What are those and how as mothers do we use them? Do you have boundaries or do you always say yes to other people. Essentially having boundaries is knowing when to say yes and no to things. Personally, boundaries have been hard for me. I struggle because I'm a people pleaser, but now that I am a mommy, I have to do what is best for my child and sometimes (more often than not) I have to say no.

Recently, we had a wonderful speaker, Ginny, come to our Mom2Mom group to speak to us on just this subject. I highly recommend the "Boundaries" books and workbooks. While I haven't used them yet, I certainly will be after our wonderful presentation. Soon, we will have the video of the speaker. Thank you for being patient with me as we get this going. I know that I'm very late, but I had to set boundaries for myself and this is something that had to be set aside for a little bit of time.

If you have trouble with the word "No", then you are actually putting your children at risk. It is important to have boundaries for your children. It teaches responsibility and it keeps them safe. If we are too lenient and willing to let our children walk all over us, they are no learning how to become citizens of the world, they are learning that they are the most important. If we are doormats to everyone, then we are accepting everyone's responsibilities and our own are put on the back burner.

We have two kinds of responsibilities, the knapsack and a boulder. Those in our knapsack are the ones that we have to do daily - brush our teeth and hair, eat, get dressed, paying bills, etc.
The boulder is something that we can't do alone - someone has lost their job, etc. These are things that you need other people to help you with because it's too big to fix or do alone. We have to set boundaries so that we don't accept other people's boulders and try to move them alone.

Learning the word "no" can actually be one of the most important words that we teach our children.

In the first video, we are given an example of how boundaries are needed when we are raising children. If we don not have boundaries, then we are actually putting your children at risk.

Some important verses when having boundaries with kids include the following. There are many more, these are just a few.

Boundaries with kids verses:

Proverbs 22:6
Ephesians 6:4
Deuteronomy 6:5-8
Proverbs 12:1
Proverbs 13:24
Proverbs 15:1
Proverbs 19:18
Proverbs 22:15
Proverbs 23:13
Hebrews 12:11

Another wonderful piece was shared with us by Amber. It is a prayer that I hope you read. It is very convicting, but also very needed in a mother's life. May it touch your heart and help you to be a better parent. Trust in the Lord in all things.

Heavenly Father,
make me a better parent.
Teach me to understand my children, to listen patiently to what they have to say,
and to answer all their questions kindly.
Keep me from interrupting them or contradicting them.
Make me as courteous to them as I would have them to me.
Forbid that I should ever laugh at their mistakes,
or resort to shame or ridicule when they displease me.
May I never punish them for my own satisfaction or to show my power.
Let me not tempt my child to lie or steal.
And guide me hour by hour that I may demonstrate by all I say
and do that honesty is the best policy.
Reduce, I pray, the meanness in me.
And when I am out of sorts, help me, OLord, to hold my tongue.
May I ever be mindful that my children are children
and I should not expectof them the judgment of adults.
Let me not rob them of the opportunity to wait on themselves and to make decisions.
Bless me with the bigness to grant them all their reasonable requests
and the courage to deny them privileges I know will do them harm.
Make me fair and just and kind.And fit me, O Lord,
to be loved and respected and imitated by my children.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Are You a Supermom?

That's the question this week. Are you a super mom? Do you try to be a supermom and then fail and feel guilty? Why do we do this to ourselves? We make these lists of what a perfect mom would do in each situation, then another situation presents itself and we do nothing like what we planned before having children. We read about the Proverbs 31 woman and try to be her, but forget that she didn't just "magically become the woman that she was. It took time and practice. We are the same way. BC (Before Children) we all had our to do lists -
  • we would never forget to pick up our child at school
  • We would always have an activity for them to do
  • We'd never yell at our children - we'd never need to get angry with them because they were perfect too, don't you know.
  • We'd never MAKE them play by themselves just so we could have a moments peace - because we want to be them always
  • Our children would always be perfectly obedient and polite
Maybe I'm the only one with some of these issues. I'm sure all of you reading this blog are perfect mothers, but just on the off chance that you aren't, know that you are not alone.

In the book "Mom...and Loving It" by Laurie Lovejoy Hilliard and Sharon Lovejoy Autry, we learn that we don't have to be perfect. God didn't create us to be perfect. We are to learn from our mistakes and not feel guilty for them. Much of our guilt is because we have made this long "to do" list as mothers. We want our children to be happy, healthy, smart, friendly, and a whole list of other things. We want to be the mothers that everone wishes the had, but this is just not meant to be. We are listmakers (at least I am, as are many of my friends). We make a list at the beginning of the week and plan to check everything off before the week is over. But Provers 27:1 says "Don't brashly announce what you're going to do tomorrow; you don't know the first thing about tomorrow." (The Message). This means that we can only take care of today. We shouldn't worry about how we'll get Tom to football practice next Thursday, and Sally to dance class on Friday. It's okay to plan, but we can't allow all this planning to control our lives. We need to allow for time with our children too. Take time now to spend with your kids playing their favorite game or activity (even if you hate it - Dora is not my favorite thing to play). The main thing we need to remember is that we can make all the lists in the world, but in reality, our fantansy of the perfect mother is not meant to be. We may have to give up some of the things we thought we'd do - scrapbooking for every child every day of their lives or making all their dresses from scratch. This isn't to say we can't do any of these activities, but we have to do it in moderation to save our sanity.
The more we try fulfill the list of the perfect mom, the more guilt we are going to pile on ourselves because we just can't achieve that level of perfection. This again is something that has been difficult for me. We attain guilt from everywhere in our lives - our past, our present, and our future (the what if's of our life). Guilt becomes a heavy burden that is too heavy to bear (Psalm 38:4) We need to remember that God is the only One who can take away our guilt.
There aer several guilt grennades that get us as mothers:
  • lack of family time
  • stay-at-home vs working full time or working full time vs staying-at-home
  • angry outbursts
We try to do so much as mothers, whether we work in the home or outside the home, and feel it is our responsibility to keep everything in working order. At one time in our history, the mother cooked, cleaned, reared the children, had a garden, taught from the home, and canned all their food for the winter. While there are still women who do this (Kudos to you), I am not one. I see "Little House on the Prairie" and think, how did they ever do that? Well, they didn't have the distractions we do today. Life was definitely hard for them and they had their share of trials. Life is hard for us too at times. We may feel guilty for not working and supplementing the income of our families since we are the ones who spend the money (groceries, clothing for our children, etc.). We may feel guilty for not spending time with them because we are doing dishes, making dinner, or folding laundry. We may feel angry to for getting annoyed with our children when they hug the cat for the millionth time and the cat cries out because it doesn't like to be hugged so tightly. Okay, so maybe these are areas that I feel guilty, but I know that God is trying to teach me something through these experiences as well. It's okay for my daughter to play by herself for 15 minutes while I wash dishes. It's okay that I'm staying at home because this was the decision my husband and I made long before children. It may be different at your home. If you are working, you shouldn't feel guilty about it because you are trying to provide the means to take care of your children. My sister feels the guilt of working, but when she has time with her children, she uses it as best as she can.

There is a conference coming up very soon called Hearts at Home. I highly recommend it! Check out their website and maybe borrow some books from the library from authors that are regulars there. The website is www.hearts-at-home.org. At this conference, there are workshops that go more indepth than I ever could on this blog, but you learn that the perfect mother is who God created you to be. You are perfectly human. It's okay to make mistakes, this is how we learn. We are not going to screw our children up for life because we didn't give them vegetables for dinner last night. We are a work in progress. We do have Someone we can turn to when it feels that life is unraveling before us. This person is Jesus Christ, God's son. Jesus experienced everything we have ever or will ever experience. We need to just call on Jesus in all times through all experiences. When we are feeling tried in our patience, pray for peace and wisdom to get through the situation. Also remember another very important verse Philippians 4:13 "I can do everything through him who gives me strength." (NIV).

I hope that this blog has encouraged you this week. Don't be so hard on yourself. Go to God with your guilt and let Him take it away. You are perfect in your imperfection. Love your family and enjoy your time with them because life is short. Laundry can wait for tomorrow. Go swimming tonight and enjoy yourselves.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Our second meeting was wonderful! Unfortunately, we had fewer people than we expected due to power outages in the area. Many of our members were without power for several days. Fortunately, power is gradually being brought back on all over Ohio. The wind storm last Sunday was quite a doozy. It was called a dry hurricane. Never heard of such a thing, but I can now say I've experienced it.

At our meeting this week, we watch a video by Beth Moore called "When Godly People Do Ungodly Things". We watch session 4. What a powerful video. It was called "Wise Up".

Hebrews 10:24-25 says
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. 25Let
us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one
another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (NIV)

We need to encourage one another because the of Christ is approaching. As we get closer there will be more challenges for us. This is because Satan tries to keep us from each other. This is one the main reasons we need Mom2Mom!! We are here for each other. We can support each other. It doesn't matter what you are going through. Someone has been through it. Be it depression, addiction, divorce, or anything else life throws at us. We need to be here for each other. Satan uses everything against us to try to keep us from relationships with other women.

Hebrews 12:1
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. (NIV)

1 John 1:3, 7
3We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.
7But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. (NIV)

2Timothy 1:13-14
13What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus. 14Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you—guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.

What do these verses mean? They are talking about the relationships we have with other people - the non-sexual relationships. It's talking about koinonia - fellowship with others. What is the deposit that 2Timothy is talking about? They are what we give to others when we are in relationship with them. For example, the Holy Spirit is a deposit from God - a very good deposit at that. We can also get not so good deposits from other people - these are words that we might say, actions that we do for and against a person. We are called to love each other and not make meaningless deposits.

How many best friends do you have? How many friends do you have that are just acquaintances? It's okay to have these superficial friends, but you need to have the close friends. They are the ones who leave good deposits in our lives - encouragement, love and respect for ourselves, happiness.

Beth also goes on to say that we need to ask God to rid us of the bad deposits in our life. The disrespect we have for ourselves, our children, our spouses. These bad deposits are what Satan uses to bring us down and cause the depression that we feel.

We were created to need God and to have a relationship and fellowship with God. We need to know that we are beautiful, smart, and talented.

Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

This is the ultimate deposit that God has given us. We will always be sinners, but God loves us and wants to have fellowship with us. He wants Koinonia with us. Nothing that you do can make God want to leave you.

Matthew 15:13
He replied, "Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots.

The deposits in our lives that are unhealthy can be discarded from our lives. The way to do this is through prayer. God will cleanse you of these unhealthy thoughts, feelings, behaviours, but we must ask for the help. He won't force it upon us.

I pray that these notes from Beth Moore's study have blessed you as it blessed me and the other women who saw it. Of course there was much more to this study. I am only givng a synopsis of a portion of the Bible study. I encourage you to go to the library and borrow it. Or better yet, get a group of women together and watch it as a group. you will get so much out of it.

Until next time, have a blessed week! May you have Koinonia with God and with those around you. Pray for cleansing and spread good deposits into those near you.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Hello Mom2Mom-ers,
What a wonderful first meeting we had.  I must apologize for not updating sooner, but it has been quite an eventful weekend for your writer (me).  Here are some of the updates from our first meeting.  Of course, we had the obligatory announcements - 
Announcements, announcements, announcements  
A terrible way to die, a terrible way to die
Hi ho the derry-o, a terrible way to die.

Just joking, Sarah!!  

Anywho, here are the updates from our meeting.

We spoke about coffee - we won't be having coffee because Sarah is using the coffee pot as a decoration in her living room.  If you would like coffee, table 1 has a carafe and you can pay Shannon 25 cents a cup.  Hahaha!  Make sure to bring caffeinated beverages with you!  Jenny's cowboy coffee can only go so far.

Happy Birthday Ashley and Allison - Hope you enjoyed Sarah's Marilyn Monroe/striptease impressions.  Sarah, we love you, but don't quit your day job.

Tonya sent us a beautiful letter.  We need to stop crying and move on with our lives.  "Don't cry for me, Mom2Mom (sung to tune of "Don't Cry for Me Argentina"  We are so very proud of you Tonya and excited to hear what happens for you.  Tonya, we didn't cry, although we were ready to.  We are excited to hear about waht's going on!!!
  • Speaking of Tonya, she is safe and sound in England.  She is still without a fulltime home, but that will come soon.
Speed dating Mom2Mom style - it was so nice to meet our new mom Deah and to see all of you other mom's again after the long summer siesta.  The only problem is that one minute just isn't enough to catch up.  We had some very interesting questions:  If you were the star of a Hollywood movie, who would be your co-star; If you had $100 that you could spend on yourself, what would you spend it on?; If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?;  What do you think your child will become when they grow up?; etc.

If you did not fill out your G2KU (Getting to Know You), please get it to Christy as soon as possible.  We want to get a roster made soon so we can get all information to you.

Welcome new childcare workers!!!!  We could not do this without you!!  We are so thankful for you and know that our children are in good hands!

Finally, Sarah read a wonderful letter called the Invisible Mother.  We all feel this way at times, but we are building great cathedrals.  Here is the letter in it's entirety.  Thank Lisa for sending it to us.

Invisible Mother......  
         It all began to make sense, the blank stares, the
 lack of response, the way one of the kids will walk into the
 room while I'm on the phone and ask to be taken to the
         Inside I'm thinking, 'Can't you see
 I'm on the phone?' 
         Obviously, not. 
         No one can see if I'm on the phone, or cooking,
 or sweeping the floor, or even standing on my head in the
 corner, because no one can see me at all. 
          I'm invisible.   The invisible Mom . Some days
 I am only a pair of hands, nothing more: Can you fix this?  
 Can you tie this?  Can you open this? 
         Some days I'm not a pair of hands; I'm not
 even a human being.  I'm a clock to ask, 'What time
 is it?'  I'm a satellite guide to answer, 'What
 number is the Disney Channel?'  I'm a car to order,
 'Right around 5:30, please.' 
         I was certain that these were the hands that once
 held books and the eyes that studied history and the mind
 that graduated sum a cum laude - but now they had
 disappeared into the peanut butter, never to be seen again. 
  She's going; she's going; she is gone! 
         One night, a group of us were having dinner,
 celebrating the return of a friend from England . Janice had
 just gotten back from a fabulous trip, and she was going on
 and on about the hotel she stayed in.. I was sitting there,
 looking around at the others all put together so well. It
 was hard not to compare and feel sorry for myself. 
         I was feeling pretty pathetic, when Janice turned
 to me with a beautifully wrapped package, and said, 'I
 brought you this.' 
         It was a book on the great cathedrals of Europe . 
         I wasn't exactly sure why she'd given it to
 me until I read her inscription: 
          'To Charlotte , with admiration for the
 greatness of what you are building when no one sees.' 
         In the days ahead I would read - no, devour - the
 book.  And I would discover what would become for me, four
 life-changing truths, after which I could pattern my work: 
         No one can say who built the great cathedrals - we
 have no record of their names.  
         These builders gave their whole lives for a work
 they would never see finished. 
         They made great sacrifices and expected no credit. 
         The passion of their building was fueled by their
 faith that the eyes of God saw everything. 
         A legendary story in the book told of a rich man
 who came to visit the cathedral while it was being built,
 and he saw a workman carving a tiny bird on the inside of a
 beam.  He was puzzled and asked the man, 'Why are you
 spending so much time carving that bird into a beam that
 will be covered by the roof?   No one will ever see it.'
  And the workman replied, 'Because God sees.' 
         I closed the book, feeling the missing piece fall
 into place. 
         It was almost as if I heard God whispering to me,
 'I see you, Charlotte. I see the sacrifices you make
 every day, even when no one around you does.  No act of
 kindness you've done, no sequin you've sewn on, no
 cupcake you've baked, is too small for me to notice and
 smile over. You are building a great cathedral, but you
 can't see right now what it will become.'  
          At times, my invisibility feels like an affliction.
   But it is not a disease that is erasing my life. 
         It is the cure for the disease of my own
 self-centeredness.   It is the antidote to my strong,
 stubborn pride. 
         I keep the right perspective when I see myself as a
 great builder.  As one of the people who show up at a job
 that they will never see finished, to work on something that
 their name will never be on. 
          The writer of the book went so far as to say that
 no cathedrals could ever be built in our lifetime because
 there are so few people willing to sacrifice to that degree.
         When I really think about it, I don't want my
 son to tell the friend he's bringing home from college
 for Thanksgiving, 'My Mom gets up at 4 in the morning
 and bakes homemade pies, and then she hand bastes a turkey
 for three hours and presses all the linens for the
 table.'  That would mean I'd built a shrine or a
 monument to myself. I just want him to want to come home. 
 And then, if there is anything more to say to his friend, to
 add, 'you're gonna love it there.' 
         As mothers, we are building great cathedrals. We
 cannot be seen if we're doing it right. 
         And one day, it is very possible that the world
 will marvel, not only at what we have built, but at the
 beauty that has been added to the world by the sacrifices of
 invisible women. 
         Great Job, MOM! 
         Share this with all the Invisible Mom s you
 know...I just did.  
         Hope this encourages you when the going gets tough
 as it sometimes does. 
         We never know what our finished products will turn
 out to be because of our perseverance. 

Lastly, in closing, I ask that you be in prayer for everyone in our group.  You may not know everyone's name, but that's okay, God does.  We had some serious weather yesterday (Sunday) and many of our members are without power.  I will attach some pictures of our house after our beautiful tree decided to kiss our house.  Thank you, Lord Jesus, our house was not damaged, but many houses were.

Heavenly Father,
We thank you that we have a group such as Mom2Mom to have a support group.  We pray for all of our members as well as all those affected by the weather recently.  Please watch over and keep them safe from more damage.  We also pray for those in Texas who were directly affected by Hurricane Ike - especially Pastor Mike Bowie.  We know that you will use this for good and for Your glory!!!  We pray this and all the other prayers on our hearts in Your Holy and Blessed name.  Amen.

Here's a thought for the day:

He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.
They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven.
Psalm 107:29-30

God bless you all and stay safe as we all clean up from the storm.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Ready or not, here we come!!!!

Welcome back to the 2008 - 2009 Mom2Mom session.  On this blog, you will find information about what happened at weekly meetings as well as information on favorite dishes prepared, activities outside of weekly meetings and mp3's of the speakers that we have.  I'm so very excited about this year.  Our fearless leader, Sarah, has a lot planned for our and our events planner, Ashley, has a large assortment of great activies outside our our meetings.  Below I've put the events scheduled for this month.  Hope to see you all at the meetings.  We start Thursday, September 11th with our Open House.  Food will be provided by our amazing leadership team.  Make sure you come ready to eat, socialize, and catch up on the summer's events!!  

Here's what's up for this month (September)
Thursday, September 11 ........ Open House 9:30 a.m. in Avenue Rooms 501-502
(Please be in prayer that day for those who were lost, lost loved ones, and were   otherwise affected by the terrible terrorist attacks in 2001)
(Also, please pray for our own Tonya who is leaving for England on this day.)

Monday, September 15 .......... Mom's night out (mom's only please).  Harrison's in  Tipp City.
(106 E. Main street in Tipp ........ Cost is similar to other bar and gills in the area)

Thursday, September 18 ....... Mom2Mom!! - Bible Study with Josie
(This year we will be using the book "Mom...and Loving It".  This book will be provided to you!  Please come and check it out!)

Monday, September 22 ....... Join us for an exciting day at the Boonshopft Museum.  We'll be meeting at the church parking lot at 9:30 a.m.  If you are unable to come at that time, let us know and we can see if another group would like to go later in the day.

Thursday, September 25 .... Mom2Mom!!!!! - Setting Boundaries Speaker - more on this to come.

I hope to see you all at the meetings.  I can hardly wait, I'm so excited!!!  Anywho, I'm not great at blogging, but as we go, it will get better - I hope.  :)

Here's a thought for the day:
"I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death." Philipian 2:20
(NIV version)

God bless you all!!